July 14, 2011

Week 27

I had six of these 3 fabric strips in my scrap bin. I love the colors. These must have been leftovers from something--not really sure what they were supposed to be.
I saw the pattern for a quilt titled, "carnival". It's in my friend Wendi's May 2011 Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting magazine. I thumbed through the isse, thought of these peach colored scraps, and borrowed the magazine. Wendi is back from Hawaii and is going to want her magazine returned, so I made this quilt this week.
The process of making this quilt reminded me of a parable included in Luke 14: 28-30. My comments are in parenthesis.
"For which of you, intending to build a tower (sew a quilt), sitteth down first, and counteth the cost (measured the fabrics in my scraps and stash), whether he (that would be me) have sufficient (compare fabric on hand to the materials list on the pattern) to finish it? Lest haply (perhaps), after he hath laid the foundation (cut six fabrics), and is not able to finish it (two unsuccessful shopping trips to match an apparently discontinued fabric)? Lest haply (frustratingly), after he hath laid the foundation (sewed all those little pieces into bigger units and from bigger units into blocks and from blocks into a quilt top), and is not able to finish it (even making it much smaller than the pattern I didn't have enough fabric to finish the corners), all (that's you) that behold it begin to mock (laugh at me) him, Saying, this man (silly woman) began to build (make a quilt following a pattern), and was not able to finish."
In other words, a little bit of planning at the beginning of the project would have saved me hours of frustration near the end of the project. The amazing grace of the week--I love how it looks, even without the corners.

Week 26

I acquired a new book recently. It's "the biggest patchwork issue ever!", or so it claims. It's better, it's so much better! I have read it, and read it, and turned down the corner of pages to mark favorites (tntc--too numerous to count) and practically sleep with it under my pillow.
For my first project from my new book, I made the first patchwork project, a scrappy composition notebook cover. I used my scraps, so it looks different than the picture in the book. Then I made a second one without a pocket (pockets are a pain!). And then I made another notebook cover to see if I could make it quicker.

Turns out my new book is pretty fantastic! And that's simply the first project.

July 10, 2011

Weeks 24 & 25

My "creative" energy these two weeks was spent finishing other projects. I did start these two different star blocks--one each week.

Weeks 16, 18, 20 and 23

Week 16 I started a baby quilt for Meg Irish. When I make a quilt, expecially a baby quilt, I like to think about the things I love about babies. I sew my love and cuddles and tickling their tummies into their quilt. I sew a comforting arm around her when she's sad and I make sure there's a soft place to wipe her eyes and dry her tears. She may never know the story of her quilt, but I believe she will feel my love when it's wrapped around her. Every baby deserves to be loved.

Week 18 I realized I had a problem with Meg's quilt. It was going slow. Really, really slow. The baby wasn't due for a couple weeks, so I had a little time, but I couldn't seem to get it done. I had a long, heart-to-heart talk with myself and realized the problem wasn't Meg's quilt, it was Addie, Grace and Kate--Meg's older sisters. Those little girls are sweet and adorable and in need of a new quilt as much as the baby. And why should the baby be the only one to get a present?

Solution--make three more quilts!

July 2, 2011

Week 22

I have an abundance of something you may politely call self-confidence, but I'm afraid it's pride. My pride is the kind of pride that says, "not only can I do that, but I think I can do it better."
I watched a quilting show on tv showcasing the Dresden Plate design. I'm sad to admit that during the show I was consumed by my pride and could hardly wait for the show to end.
Out came templates. Out came fabric. I "played" with fabric selection for more than 3 hours before I finally picked fifteen. I cut out the pieces and spent another hour arranging them in a circle and changing them around until I was satisfied. It took less than an hour to sew together.
Naturally, I think it looks great!

July 1, 2011

Week 21

This is Tamar's fault!
I needed gift bags.
She said, "Why don't you make bags?"
No good excuse. So I did!

Week 19

I made a cute and cuddily quilt using 5" squares. The fabrics were flannels and homespuns and cute masculine prints in tan and brown. It's a fun quilt to touch. A baby would love to spend some tummy time here. Does this sound like the perfect baby gift?

I thought the Huffaker's were having a baby boy.

Turns out I was wrong!
I thought Adelaide might like a pink and denim feminine quilt a little bit more.

Week 17

A simple applique block in pastel batik fabrics. The center is a cute button.

Week 15

Quilt made for Josie Manning.
A doll for a doll.