The process of making this quilt reminded me of a parable included in Luke 14: 28-30. My comments are in parenthesis.
"For which of you, intending to build a tower (sew a quilt), sitteth down first, and counteth the cost (measured the fabrics in my scraps and stash), whether he (that would be me) have sufficient (compare fabric on hand to the materials list on the pattern) to finish it? Lest haply (perhaps), after he hath laid the foundation (cut six fabrics), and is not able to finish it (two unsuccessful shopping trips to match an apparently discontinued fabric)? Lest haply (frustratingly), after he hath laid the foundation (sewed all those little pieces into bigger units and from bigger units into blocks and from blocks into a quilt top), and is not able to finish it (even making it much smaller than the pattern I didn't have enough fabric to finish the corners), all (that's you) that behold it begin to mock (laugh at me) him, Saying, this man (silly woman) began to build (make a quilt following a pattern), and was not able to finish."
In other words, a little bit of planning at the beginning of the project would have saved me hours of frustration near the end of the project. The amazing grace of the week--I love how it looks, even without the corners.
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